Commodity prices continue to rise, for various reasons, Copper, Steel, Aluminum, Etc. and you need to be prepared as to how these can dramatically affect your proposal pricing. These all have an impact on our bottom line, especially if we let our estimates age and do not make accommodations for the rising prices when a client does not accept our proposal for an extended period of time.
At On Time Estimating we always factor in a 30 day price expiration on our proposals, so if prices rise, your client is aware that the cost of the proposal may also rise if they wait longer than 30 days to accept your proposal.
Depending on the size of the job this can have a significant impact on your profit margins if you do not make accommodations for such price swings. At On Time Estimating we utilize the 30 day price margin, along with several other caveat features, that always protect our clients.
We are well aware that competition is tough out there for the Electrical Contractor, and for the most part, everyone is working with thin enough margins as it is without having to worry about factors beyond their control. At On Time Estimating we treat our clients business, like we treat our own, so you will never be left without support once you join the On Time Estimating family of very successful clients!
Contact us today to see how we can go to work for you and protect your best interest, leaving you with the time that is necessary to run the day to day operations of your business to assist it’s growth in the way you want!